Monday, April 30, 2012

The struggle for Namibia's independence is something from the past. Battles were fought, soldiers died, and after all the smoke and dust has settled another front opened. The battle to be acknowledged as a war veteran for compensation. Former soldiers from the SADF. SWATF and the police's para military wing "Koevoet" are all ignored by the Government of Namibia, rightfully understandable as they fought against the Liberation fighters or PLAN, but being rejected by South Africa is not understandable. It was the SA government who "forced" soldiers to take up arms in the struggle against Namibia's fight for freedom.

1 comment:

  1. what is the general feeling among ex soldiers from the SWATF,,is the treatment fair,,,or are we the forgotten generation whose name, number and ranks are deleted from the system,,or were we only good and efficient when we were needed by a few white politicians to protect their interests? shar your ideas,,,,
