Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Poverty remains Africa's biggest draw back, and only education and a change in cultural and traditional behavior can change the direction. The sad story is that it is not the adults nor the government that suffer, it is the children. They did not asked to be born in such conditions, they are born because of plain ignorance, poor family planning, or plain men and women who do not think about safe and protected sex. The ancient excuse of but we loved each other, or we did not know or it was a one night stand caught in the heat of the moment results in one thing only,,,,,an unwanted baby,,,,that ends up in the dusty streets of informal settlements, walking bare foot ,,,no warm cloths, and empty stomach,,,and no education. The poverty circle cannot be broken unless parents start to take up responsibility of their parenthood. Thank Goodness there are people out there who love and take care of street children. But they cannot live and grow on a few minutes of attention from a few samaritans, they need love . a hug, a warm bed,,a warm meal,,a loving parent,,and above all a society where they feel wanted in a community that has peace and stability.

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