Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Police used force to carry out their duty in removing struggle kids from the SWAPO Party's HQ in Windhoek.

How long must government be kept hostage  
by a handful of the so called war vet struggle kids. 
Most of their peers found employment either by 
seeking employment, or start up
their own business. MY impression the few that 
remains unemployed are selfish or stubborn and are taking the 
easy way out. Namibia Government 
created a conducive environment for all people 
to make a living for themselves.
One such perfect example is Regina Shikongo 
from Windhoek who like the rest of her peers 
also faced the same difficulties, Regina however 
took it upon herself to improve her situation, and today she 
is a youngster owning her own business 
"Clock Works" specializing in Computer service, 
training and repairs. 
 The cold facts are too many people, 
are being spoiled by hand outs, and then expect 
Government/ Donor agencies 
to give them hand outs again. I support the efforts of using 
force to remove them. This must be clear 
and stern warning to all those who think they can keep 
anyone hostage with their lame excuses.

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